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Baby Shower

As some of you already figured out, we will soon be three. To celebrate this properly we'd like to invite you to our Baby shower.

Date: Weekend, Nov. 12/13 - for specific info look at your personal invite
Place: Tini & Marco's home - 4402 SW Findlay St., 98136 Seattle, Link to Yahoo! Map

What's up:
- we will provide drinks & snacks,
- maybe play some games,
- have fun in a relaxed atmosphere
- a small group of good-humored guests. :-)

What to bring:
you really don't have to bring anything, but if you like, pick something nice and/or useful for our baby from our Baby registry - you can order online or buy in these stores:
BabiesRUs/Amazon.com #: 87863158 or
Target baby #: 011003993241570
both registered as "Christine Bartels" or "Marco Deppe".
For those short on time please note, gift cards are welcome :)

Official target registry email:
Hello -
We just wanted to let you know that we've registered with Target baby at Target.com to get ready for our future arrival! You can take a look at our Registry online or visit the Registry kiosk at any Target store! Best Wishes, Christine Bartels and Marco Deppe


ich komme natuerlich liebend gerne und feiere mit Euch!

sorry i won't be able to make the shower!!!

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